About us

The sky above the castle is the limit

Down-to-earthness and flights of fancy

Hohenkammer is located about thirty min­utes from Munich. How­ever, vis­i­tors are far away here when it comes to their level of peace and con­cen­tra­tion. Re­moved from the daily stress and tire­some rou­tine, guests can feel an at­mos­phere of power­ful seren­ity here. The excellent learn­ing centre Schloss Hohen­kam­mer im­bues this sense of au­then­tic­ity and down-to-earth­ness to its guests in abun­dance. This pro­motes cre­ative flights of fancy and big ideas.


The principle of sustainability

In 2003, when Schloss Hohen­kam­mer was about to under­go an ex­ten­sive re­stora­tion, those re­spon­si­ble also decided the castle with its Gut Eichethof to be more than just a simple sem­i­nar centre. The eco­nomic-eco­log­i­cal unity, which they had been for cen­turies, was also to be reestab­lished.

The farming estate and cas­tle be­long to­gether not only his­tor­i­cally, but are also closely con­nected as a pro­ducer and cus­tomer and as an en­ergy sup­plier and con­sumer. The es­tate’s forests sup­ply not only wood as a build­ing ma­te­rial, but are also in­te­grated into daily sem­i­nar life as an “out­door lo­ca­tion” for ac­tiv­i­ties. Our guests ben­e­fit from it in nu­mer­ous ways: they en­joy the park, the sur­round­ings, the cui­sine with or­ganic prod­ucts from our own farm, as well as our fine brandies, oils, and vine­gars. The principle of sus­tain­abil­ity above all – vis­i­tors can lit­er­ally taste it.

Munich Re

Schloss Hohenkammer was ac­quired and care­fully re­stored by Munich Re in 2003 – also in con­sid­er­a­tion of their own use. Since then, the rein­sur­ance firm has used Hohen­kam­mer as a seminar and con­fer­ence centre, as have other major com­pa­nies and event orga­nisers.


Sustainability is practiced here

The right place for our guests


Old stones have what it takes

The castle’s old walls are both silent and speak won­ders. They wish to be ap­pre­ci­ated in their si­lence, but hap­pily wel­come the new life and ac­tiv­ity that pre­vails around them.

Please go to our calendar where you can find the dates of the next exhibition, guided castle tour, or concert.


Elevating sounds in the castle

A castle for music

Those who stroll through the cas­tle hear its sounds. The castle court­yard is per­fect for a sum­mer con­cert, the event hall is ideal for pop and rock, the Zirbel­stube needs the zither, and the beer garden loves the sound of Bavar­ian brass bands play­ing dur­ing a Sun­day morning pint.

An experience to be heard, felt and lived.

Art on location

Lawrence Weiner in the chapel

New paths

Anyone who believes that art in cas­tles must be sur­rounded by heavy frames and hon­or­ably pre­sented on the walls will find no such thing at Schloss Hohen­kam­mer. Instead, vis­i­tors en­counter a revival of mu­ral paint­ing, a com­mon art form dur­ing the Re­nais­sance: for ex­am­ple, the text sculp­ture by Lawrence Weiner in the for­mer chapel, or the airy, veg­e­ta­tive mu­rals by Martin Schwenk. Hamish Fulton is the vis­i­tors’ artis­tic com­pan­ion. Sixty-five of his works of his ex­plo­ration of all the car­di­nal points can be found in the rooms of the hotel. The artist has left us a mes­sage in his large mu­ral in the en­trance area.


Time lapse

Schloss Hohenkammer has a past that de­mands re­spect and an obli­ga­tion to the future:

In 1042, the Lords of Camer gave this place “Hohen­camer” their name and erected a cas­tle here. The ‘von Camer’ fam­ily line re­sided here for more than 500 years, until they were su­per­seded by the Barons of Has­lang. In their re­gency, the cas­tle was burned down to its walls in 1648 in the final days of the Thirty Years’ War.

The reconstruction of the cas­tle in the Bavarian Re­nais­sance style gave the struc­ture its present form. The von Has­langs lived for nearly 250 years on their cas­tle es­tate – until it passed into the pos­ses­sion of the von Prey­sing fam­ily in 1804. From then on, the pe­ri­ods of owner­ship were briefer. The von Prey­sings were fol­lowed by the Lords of Cotta, who, in turn, were re­placed by the von Vequel fam­ily. In the early 20th cen­tury, the cas­tle be­came the seat of the Bavarian Raiff­eisen Cen­tral Co­op­er­a­tive, which moved to Hohen­kam­mer in 1917.

The castle was given its present des­ti­na­tion in 1973, when it was con­verted into a train­ing cen­tre. When Munich Re assumed owner­ship of the es­tate in 2003, it con­verted it into a sem­i­nar centre.

On our own behalf

The estate in the castle

The estate in the castle

We are so proud of our Eichethof Estate that we have brought it into the castle – a small exhibition in the Frei Raum – at the back of the reception foyer in the passage to the court­yard. Find out and see where the food that you eat in the castle comes from and how the ingredients are produced. It’s definitely worth a look as you will then be more aware of the food you are savouring!


Good news

With their “Exzellente Lernorte” (excellent learn­ing centres), sem­inar ho­tels have developed a new co­oper­a­tion amongst them­selves. Each mem­ber per­suades through its indi­vidu­al­ity; to­gether, all of us share a new qual­ity: more in­nov­a­tion and cre­ativ­ity. That’s good news for speak­ers and trainers.

The provision of optimal premises and fa­cil­it­ies was always a given at Schloss Hohen­kammer, as were the cor­res­pond­ing ser­vices. What is new and what will char­ac­ter­ise the future are spaces that in and of them­selves are a concept and pure innov­a­tion, fos­ter­ing a cre­ativ­ity that is con­ta­gious. For speak­ers and train­ers, new and excit­ing pos­sib­il­it­ies for train­ing, coach­ing and other forms of learn­ing and teach­ing open up. And this is truer than ever now that like-minded sem­inar hotels in Germany with the same qual­ity stand­ards have found one another. Schloss Hohen­kammer is very happy to be a found­ing mem­ber of “Exzellente Lernorte”.

You can find great deals at

Exzellente Lernorte


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