
The hotel at dusk

For one and all

Schloss Hohenkammer’s hotel primar­ily provides par­ti­cipants of work­shops and sem­inars with their de­served rest. But many other guests also visit the beau­ti­ful castle to spend a few peace­ful nights in com­fort­able rooms at con­veni­ent prices, on grounds that in­clude a spa, beer garden and the de­lights of the res­taur­ant Alte Gale­rie. A warm wel­come to all.


Tranquility — a silent pleasure

One of the most im­por­tant “com­fort zones” for our guests is the hotel room that serves as their home away from home dur­ing their stay with us. The abil­ity to re­treat into one’s own shell can be taken quite lit­er­ally here.

Many of our modern, com­fort­able and func­tional guest rooms are designed accord­ing to the nautilus prin­ci­ple. Guests enter an invit­ing and expan­sive space and then move in a spi­ral to­ward the shower and bath­room area. Con­versely, the space then opens up again towards the bed- and liv­ing room. One leaves the rooms in an “open” frame of mind.

Although modern in style, the ho­tel’s in­te­rior archi­tec­ture responds to the mate­ri­als found in the fac­ing cas­tle: stone, wood and plas­ter. By the way, all the wood comes from the cas­tle’s pri­vate forests.

Phone +49 (0)8137 93 40

Accommodation and packages

Friendly reception


Unimaginable possibilities

Hideaway, golf centre,week­end dream and pure relax­ation – Schloss Hohen­­kam­­mer offers all that wrapped up in packages that are both appealing and affordable. In addition, a VIP card for the Ingolstadt Village (10% off on all par­tic­i­pat­ing brands) is included in each package. Do not miss the chance to have a relaxed and enjoyable break from it all. Help yourself! Maybe even more than once…

Time out!

Then it is time for heavenly peace. Like the kind to be had at Schloss Hohenkammer. With all the necessary comforts and services. A beautiful setting with a park and woodlands. One night in a cosy double room. Of course, with salutatory drink. And a fine organic three-course dinner in the Alte Galerie. Why not book two nights?

Starting at 89 euros per person

Tee time!

Schloss Reicherts­hau­sen, the most beautiful golf course in the surroundings, is waiting for you just 7km away. Two green fees for the price of one. One evening a fine organic three-course dinner in the Alte Galerie. Two nights in a cosy double room.

Starting at 212 euros per person

The weekend of the year

Idyllic oasis at the river

An old forester‘s house; situated on the Glonn River; with a terrace, garden and grill. Idyllic. A spacious and tastefully decorated living room, and a kitchen with all the trimmings. Two double bedrooms on the first floor, each with its own bathroom. And there is more: a spa, a gym, private parking, WLAN – all included and free of any extra charge. You will fall in love – with the “Altes Försterhaus”.

399 euros

  • Weekend rate (Friday to Sunday)
  • During the Bavarian school­holidays also available on week­days
  • Max. 4 people
  • Self-catering (grocery stores nearby)

Catering (PDF)

Site plan (PDF)

We are very happy to inform you! Please contact:

The forest calling

Immersing into the forest

Shinrin-yoku – forest bathing according to a Japanese tradition: diving deep into the forest. Enjoying the rustling of leaves. The smell of the wood. The swinging of the forest floor. This three-hour guided walk through the fairy-tale forest of Hohenkammer comes with a three-course menu and two nights in a double room including an organic breakfast buffet. Wellness, Sky, WLAN and parking included.

Starting at 188 euros per person


Our Customer Satisfaction Index



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8922 reviews
across 9 portals

Your feedback is important to us, as it helps us to better serve guests like you and their needs. By having a look at our Customer Satisfaction Index, you can gain an initial impression of just how “good” our guests find us. You can get a full overview of all reviews we have received to date here.

We look forward to hearing about your experience with us, and kindly request you to leave feedback after your stay in our hotel.

Light and shadow in the entrance hall


License to feel good

Those whose days are busy can find the relaxation they de­serve in our small but fine spa, where guests often experience a feeling of “re­ju­ve­na­tion”. Whether taking ad­van­tage of the fitness studio or sauna, a visit here will do them good.

Even the eyes relax. Instead of the usual spa kitsch, on the way down the spa stairs, vis­i­tors en­counter a sooth­ing calm from the space’s ma­te­ri­als and design. The archaic, rough-cut granite blocks exude strength and com­fort – just what you need to re­vi­talise. Take ad­van­tage of the other ameni­ties offered to our visitors.


Massages can be booked on request. Please con­tact our reception team.

— The sauna and fitness area is currently closed due to renovation work required by the flood last June. —

Workout room:
6 am to 10 pm

A selection of ex­er­cise equip­ment is avail­able for use in our workout room.

4 pm to 10 pm
Saturday and Sunday
9 am to 10 pm

Finnish sauna
Organic sauna
60°C and 50% humidity

Max. 2 persons per sauna at the same time

Bathrobes, slippers and tow­els are pro­vided in the chang­ing rooms.

Strength and comfort

Leisure time

Clear your head!

Eventually, one’s inner voice speaks up and gently asks whether it might not be the time to clear one’s head. “How about giving a sigh of relief and refu­el­ing?” When it’s right, it’s right – and we follow our inner voice.

Schloss Hohenkammer is literally sit­u­ated in the middle of a “cul­tural land­scape”. An excur­sion to Scheyern, home of the im­pres­sive Benedictine monastery and former seat of the Bavarian royal family, is an ap­par­ent pos­si­bil­ity as one to Freising or the cul­tural and brew­ery site of Weihenstephan.

For those who distain such “short hops” into the sur­round­ing area, they can em­bark on their own nearer jour­neys via noc­tur­nal walks by torch­light, bowl­ing nights, raft build­ing and other castle events and ac­tiv­i­ties. In addi­tion, vis­i­tors can take advan­tage of “Kultur im Schloss” (Culture at the Castle), a series of read­ings, music recitals and other per­for­mances. Cozy fire­side evenings and amiable wine sem­i­nars round off the (culi­nary) cul­tural activities.

Bicycle or e-bike rental:
Guests who wish to ex­plore the area by bicycle or e-bike, reg­is­ter at the reception.

Nordic walking:
Nordic walks are ar­ranged by ap­point­ment. Guides and poles are avail­able.

In the park there is a boules pit and boules balls are avail­able at the front desk.

Our soccer field (grass) is always open to both cham­pi­ons and am­a­teurs. Goals and balls are avail­able for use. Reg­is­tra­tion at the re­cep­tion.

Jogging tracks for all levels

Circular hiking trail “Chapel tour along the river Glonn”

Requests and enquiries at
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 41 01

Phone +49 (0)8137 93 40

On exploration tour in the vicinity

A companionable soccer game in our park

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