Schloss Hohenkammer is a seminar centre and hotel with its very own organic farming estate. It is located to the north of Munich and provides the perfect venue for any event and any stay. The castle fuses the past with the present to create an atmosphere that helps to engender innovation, at the same time as helping you to unwind and clear your head.

Job offers

Current vacancies and all informa­tion con­cern­ing an apprentice­ship at Schloss Hohen­kammer!
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Check quickly and com­fort­ably the avail­ab­il­ity of our rooms and book online.
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The next date

Fri., 18 April –
Sun., 20 April

Unfortunately Schloss Hohenkammer is closed over Easter

Castle life

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Issue 2023

What would a castle be with­out its treasures? There are quite a few of them hidden all around Hohen­kammer. And when we say treasures, we mean places. Places that our employees and our­selves treasure very much. Some of these places hide in plain sight. Some reveal them­selves in secrecy. But don’t worry, there’s no need for a special treasure map. All you need to uncover these gems is our new magazine ‘Favourite Places’.

Highly recommended for a visit!

We would be happy to send you a com­ple­men­tary issue of “Maga­zin Schloss Hohen­kammer”. Please send us an E-mail.

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